Think Pink

About a year ago I decided to put in a pink highlight in my hair.

I know...I'm closer to 40 then to 16, but I had this complete yearning for a streak of pink in my hair.  I loved it.  I felt spunky and I thought it was beautiful.  Over the last year I've not only tried pink, but also crimson red, and electric blue.  And I've tried a couple different brands of hair color too.  My favorite brand is Manic Panic. 

Earlier this year I took the color out and just kept a streak of bleached/blond.  It was fine, more grown up and adult like.

Totally grown-up, right?  But not exactly me.  Last night Nathan helped me go back to pink.  I love pink! And I don't do it because I think I'm a teenager rebelling against my parents and/or 'The Man'.  I do it because I think it's pretty and I like the way I feel. 

Which brings me to another tutus.  I like the way I feel in them too, but have only worn tutus to my sporting events (mountain bike racing and the Ragnar).  Is wearing a tutu out in public on a regular basis just too much?  I'm still debating that one.

Email Fail

After my long, over due absence from blogging I wasn't sure how to kick off my blog again, but I thought you might enjoy this.  My husband's ex (mother of my beautiful step-daughter) has a free yahoo email account.  When The Ex sends him emails, there is an advertisement at the bottom of her email:

Sponsored links: Rock Hard Erections.  All New Formula Attacks the Root.  Fast.

Hoping you find this as funny and inappropriate as I do!

It's Been Awhile

I've been without a computer.  Which means even though I have a lot to write about, I haven't had a *way* to write about it.  But you won't need to wait much longer to find out what thoughts have been bouncing around in my head....YAY to having a new computer!

The World Wide Web

I struggle with what to call my kids when I mention them on my blog.  I started with The Social Guy, The Artist, and The Brainiac - but I hate putting them in a box with a label on it.  I don't necessarily want to use their real names.  The internet kinda freaks me out sometimes.  Other people use their kids names and put photos of them on the internet.  I like that, but again, I worry a bit about the internet.